
A bit more about the project...

My end date is July 29, 2010.

One of my problems in coming up with this list is that I often have already done things I'd like to do. I'm impulsive like that. And not a big dreamer, apparently.

Also, please note: This list is subject to change. Also, financially, I don't think I could do all these things in 2.7 years, but I could plan for a few of them, at least. I went poking around the internet for other people's lists and ideas, and I did take a few, but I was also amazed at how much crazy overlap there was between lists.

I asked my boyfriend if he'd like to do anything on the list and he said: 4, 6, 9, 12, 13, 20, 21, 86, 91.

Anything you'd like to do with me?

1 comment:

Audra Williams said...

I'm having the HARDEST TIME thinking of 101 things! Gah!