
More things? More plans!

07 -> Go back to school or find a career I like. I'm hoping to do BOTH of these things. First, there's a job coming up at work that I REALLY want. And I'm planning on going back to MSVU in the fall to take education courses part time.

15 -> Ha, I TRIED this one for a month. Does that count? Then went back to eating fish, now I'm considering expanding to local chicken and beef. But I have not yet made the plunge into other kinds of meat, and it's a very emotional decision in some ways. So we shall see.

26 -> Watch 30 of the AFI top 100 movies. I watched two more! Some Like It Hot (genuinely fun and adorable) and It's a Wonderful Life (that one was kind of by accident).

88-> Sit in a hot tub and roll around -- I TRIED to make this happen for New YEar's, but to no avail. Next year?

83 -> Stay in my budget for Christmas presents -- I'm going to say I did this. I had a tight Christmas due to not getting paid for all the days I missed when the office was shut down (as a temp) but I DID stay on budget and bought only the essentials, for the essentials!

58 -> Make up a delicious fruity cockail and name it after myself -- DONE! My parents got me this delicious pomegranate liqueur for Christmas, and I made the following Scurtini: juice half a lime, 1 ounce pama liqueur, 1 ounce vodka, and fill the glass to the brim with 1/2 and 1/2 pomegranate pop and club soda. Delicious! And prevents scurvy.

56 -> Move into an apartment with a deck -> OR a lovely big condo with a deck! DONE!

47 -> Get myself a gorgeous bouquet of flowers -> DONE! I picked up some really nice local tulips at Pete's and they greeted me every day for almost a week in a vase on a tray on my dining room table.

92 -> Get a shoulder/neck massage --> DONE! They were giving them away free at work last week.

11 things done! In 136 days. You know, still not too damn bad. I'm making progress!

So, all in all, progress is being made! The next ones I'm going to tackle are smoothies and yoga. I hope.

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